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To the back of the house, you are greeted with a large outdoor area which is sectioned off into a number of areas to provide the children with an array of learning activities and experiences.

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nursery playground
  • Climbing frame and slide.
  • A mud kitchen area where the children have access to natural materials and grow their own herbs and plants.
  • A tepee and humped area which is cushioned with artificial grass
  • A designated water area
  • Covered sand pit
  • Bug garden with a range of tools for children to be able to find and observe different insects
  • A reading area so children can sit and relax away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the garden.
  • The main open part of the garden which is used for bikes and scooters and general play.
  • Our Baby Unit have their own garden area with separate undercover section. This allows them to explore the outdoors safely on our artificial grass without having to mix with the older children.
  • Pre-school undercover classroom allows the children to use their outdoor space all day


The benefit of outdoor play is that it provides the children a different type of freedom in relation to indoor activities that the children take part in.  For example, children can hop, skip, jump, run, balance etc. which are all great activities to promote physical wellbeing out in the fresh air.
In addition there are endless opportunities for the children to learn outside using natural materials including sorting/finding twigs, pebbles, rocks, plants and soil.
Children can also learn through their senses using the natural environment, as soon as children step outside their senses are encouraged, listening to birds, leaves rustling etc. They experience the hot and cold on their faces from the sun and wind, and water from rain and snow. 

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